Practical or political? An inside look at the Florida State Guard’s migrant interdictions.

The Florida State Guard, initially revived to assist the state during disasters, has found itself involved in immigration enforcement activities in South Florida and beyond. Members of the guard, including volunteers like Private Jennie Busbin, are actively engaged in efforts to protect the state’s coastline from undocumented migrants. Busbin, a sheriff’s deputy from Okeechobee, sees her role as proactive in preventing Florida from being “invaded” by undocumented migrants.

The deployment involves using sophisticated technology, including a $500,000 camera mounted on aircraft, to detect and flag suspicious boats for interception by the U.S. Coast Guard. While some argue that the civilian force’s involvement in immigration enforcement is unnecessary, others, like Busbin, view it as crucial for protecting Florida.

The Florida State Guard was reestablished by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2021, initially aimed at supplementing emergency response during disasters. However, it has since been deployed for immigration enforcement efforts, both within the state and in other states like Texas. Critics, including State Senator Shevrin Jones, see these deployments as politically motivated attacks on President Biden’s border policies.

Despite criticism, supporters argue that the Guard’s efforts have contributed to deterring undocumented migration and protecting the state. Operation Vigilant Sentry, as Busbin’s mission is known, remains active, with its duration and final cost to taxpayers uncertain. Additionally, there have been attempts to expand the governor’s power over the deployment of the Florida State Guard, although such efforts have faced challenges in the legislative process.

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