The Tetris DLC on rotation

My granddad and I didn’t fight often, but when it came to whose turn it was with the Tetris game, villain origin stories were almost created. Look, we spent every summer crammed into a cabin that had two tv-channels, no wifi, far too many relatives, and phone reception only on top of this one hill. Family dynamics were bound to be put to the test. Still, the rising panic of too many misplaced Tetriminos is a thrill worth fighting for. Not to mention the satisfaction of watching four rows blinking into oblivion!
After bringing the iconic blocks to your Minecraft worlds with the Tetris add-on earlier this year, it’s your turn to visit the Tetris universe in a new dungeon crawling adventure in the Tetris DLC. And yes, that includes a healthy dose of rising panic, Line-Clearing rewards, and, best of all, villains.