Op-Ed | Revitalizing Queens and the future of bus transit

The Q60 bus rides on Queens Boulevard.
Photo by Barbara Russo-Lennon
When it comes to mass transit, buses are king in Queens. More than 800,000 people ride the bus every day, more than any other borough by far and more than the entire bus network in Philadelphia. So, it makes sense that our proposed final plan for the Queens Bus Network Redesign is unlike any other attempted so far.
To quote Nas, “Queens get the money” — $35 million to be exact, to create a better, faster bus system that actually takes people where they want to go. For 70 years now, routes have been dictated by old trolley lines that fail to consider the amazing growth and change Queens has seen in that time. That changes in summer 2025.
Our latest proposal, which has been five years in the making, would increase the total number of bus routes to 124 – 94 local routes and 30 express. That’s a double-digit percentage increase over today’s system. More importantly, 20 routes have either increased frequency or expanded their hours of operation, with a focus on key streets like Union Turnpike, Merrick Boulevard and the western section of Northern Boulevard. We’ve also added 25 Rush Routes specifically designed to connect Queens residents to the rail system – a gamechanger for people with a two-step commute.
There is something for every rider, and that’s intentional. This redesign has been a customer-driven process from Day One. In the last year alone, we have held more than 70 outreach events to gather feedback directly from New Yorkers. This plan was made for Queens bus riders by Queens bus riders, and their feedback has greatly enriched the final plan.
As president of New York City Transit, I always want to hear what riders are thinking – the good, bad, and the ugly. It’s the only way we can make a real difference, and I care deeply about giving customers time back in their day. I know what it’s like to sit in traffic on the Q5 heading home from work in Jamaica – I did that commute for years. And I know as well as anyone that there’s room for improvement on buses. That is what this redesign is all about.
The World’s Borough deserves a world-class bus network, and I can’t wait for riders to experience the benefits next summer.